Privacy TED Talk

In todays society, everything about you is online. Whether you realize it or not, all your personal information is on the internet and very accessible to anyone. Social media apps like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are very beneficial and you can get a lot of use out of those apps. For example, you can check the news through those apps, look up how to make different food recipes, or even do all your shopping within two clicks of seeing it. For all the good things there are about social media, there are also many negative features to them as well. For example, all your personal information is upload instantly and accessible for anyone to see. When you join all these social media apps you upload your personal information like your name, birthday, and many other things. Even writing an email that could have nothing in it or you look up a sweater that you like online, eventually that information builds up allowing sites to know where you have been, who you have been communicating with, and even what your interests are all due to the fact of what you have been searching up.

Now while you are doing that action in reality it seems pretty harmless. Like you think, well I like this sweater so I'm going to get it or how harmful can this email to my mom be asking about a food recipe. They aren't harmful at all, but your computer is smart. For every word you type or every click your computer is getting smarter, putting out ads to things thinking you would like it or putting on Facebook different food recipes like the one you asked your mom about. In the beginning you may not notice and be like wow this is cool it knows what I like. But, once you really get to thinking how creepy is it that your computer is spitting out information based on things that you have looked up.

This all has to do with the privacy on the internet. Once you see those ads pop up multiple times it gets to be pretty creepy, but thats just putting out things you like that in reality you may only searched up once. So imagine all the things you put in about yourself that you think no one will know, every time you sign up for an email or social media site, your computer is generating more and more about you whether you realize it or dont and by you signing up to those accounts you are allowing them the right to your private information.

So as helpful the internet is, you have to be careful because nothing is private and anyone can find anything out about you in the click of a button. Finally, when it comes to the use of the internet, the only thing I can say is be safe and watch what you put out on the web.
