What can a stranger find out about you?

Online can be a scary place. For exmaple, have you ever been on amazon and shopping for lets say a Michigan University sweatshirt and then the next day you are on Google and you are constantly seeing advertisements about Michigan sweatshirts. Or, to make things even weirder, have you ever been on the phone and talking to someone about something like a taco recipe and then throughout the day all you are seeing online is advertisements about taco recipes. Creepy.

I know a lot of people don't usually look themselves up online because why would you. But, if you do you can find some terryifing things about yourself that you thought no one knew. Like your email, phone number, address, where you work, where you live, etc. Searching up your name and seeing your Facebook page pop up is a little more common because you have made an account that is to be seen online.

I was curious one day and decided to look myself up on Google, what I found wasn't all that surprising to me. I have played soccer my entire life and have worked hard to be on good teams to one day make it to college soccer, which I have. So, when you search up my name on Google most of what you find is my roster pictures from my time in high school and my roster pictures from the three years I have been at High Point University . You will also see articles about me and things that I have done well in soccer either from high school or at college, so to see this when I search up my name is not too scary to me.

When you also search up my name, you see my Twitter account. Something that I am also not too afraid to share with the world because of the fact that my Twitter account is basically a platform to promote my soccer. I never tweet, but when I do its to congrulate my teammates or friends on their accomplishments in soccer or I am tweeting back to people that have reached out and tweeted at me. But mostly, my twitter is just retweeting articles about my soccer team and the accomplishments we have been doing throughout the season or I retweet other sports teams that are in season to congrulate them on how they have been doing.

I guess I could say that I am lucky because my phone number or email never popped up when you search my name, but I must be one of the few that this doesn't happen to. The internet can be a scary place and now-a-days your information is everywhere whether you like it or not. All I can recommend is to try to keep your private life as private as you can and to not put anything on the internet you dont want people seeing because in the end they will end up seeing everything.
