Eight Values

Values, what are values? To me, values are something that has importance, worth, or is something useful to you. There are many values that go into making someone who they truly are but to me, the eight most important values are loyalty, reliability, dependability, honesty, commitment, efficiency, consistency, and open-mindedness.

I believe that these values are important in your everyday life because they can pertain to anything you do, whether that be in your personal life or even your work life having these values can make you a better person. I do believe that some of these values fit better into your personal life rather than your work life and vice versa but they are all relevant.

Each of your values really tell alot about you, they end up defining the person you are. But some values out way more than others. Personally, I believe that honesty, loyalty and commitment are the most important values. Why? Because to be a good person that people look to be friends with or want to have a relationship with these are important values. Being loyal is always being there for someone through thick and thin. Honesty, being completely honesty with people because in the end it is better to be honesty with someone even though it may hurt than lie because that will end up hurting more. Finally, commitment, now being committed can be hard sometimes because you can be put in situations where being committed can be more harmful than good but being committed in anything you do is important.

Now im not saying that the other five values arent important because those are important too. But, I believe that there are some values that can be more important than others. But having good core values that allow people to know the real you can be the difference in having good reliable friends or a well paying job. Because without values what is there to believe in? What is there to try for?

Remember your importance and worth and think of your eight values and how they are useful to you.
