The Effects of Vaping

Vaping has become an epidemic in society today, almost every teenager has become addicted to vaping whether it be from a Juul or some type of E-Cigarette that you inhale battery-powered smoke. Most vapes have cartridges filled with a liquid that usually contains nicotine, flavorings, and chemicals.  This liquid is heated up inside the cartridge that turns into smoke which you inhale into your lungs.

Vaping has caused young people especially to get addicting to vaping because they do in fact have nicotine in them which causes them to be so addicting. Not only is the nicotine so addictive but its also the status between there friends. If you are in high school or college even and you are "vaping" to most other kids your age that is considered cool or the norm. But the long term affects of vaping are way worse and can affect you longterm rather than the cool status. When you are vaping, the nicotine goes into your body and can cause things like slow brain development and can affect things like memory, concentration, attention, and mood. By vaping you can also irritate the lungs and can cause serious lung damage and even in some cases death.

There have been horror stories out recently about young teens who vape and have had lung failure or have been severally affected by vaping. The FDA is reaching out to young people specifically high schoolers because they are the ones that are bringing in the revenue when it comes to vaping. In 2018, 1 in 5 high school students have reported that they had vaped during the past month.
The graph is from the source Truth Initiative Media Monitoring that put out a study on people from the ages of 15-25 and who all has ever used or tried the Juul. With no surprise the highest rate of users were children in high school and following them was children in middle school. The lowest percentage of people that used the Juul was older people in their twenties. 

From this study and others that are out there, it just comes to show that smoking any type of vape can cause damage and in the long run it is not worth it to put all these chemicals into your body even though your friends may be doing it and it seems cool. One day you will look back and think how stupid it was to put all that junk into your lungs because vaping can only hurt you. 
