My Opinion on Blogging...

When it comes to blogging, there are many reasons why people are so attracted to blogging and that is because they can attract an audience, organize your thoughts and learn, tell your story, express yourself, and discuss with others on topics as well as many more reasons. But when it comes to blogging and putting out your thoughts to the world there are pros and cons that come with it.

Blogging is a place where people can control their thoughts and opinions. It is a place where they can speak on whatever they feel that is important to them and they can receive empowerment through being able to talk on whatever topic they feel is import. By blogging, this gives people the opportunity to express themselves and what is truly important to them and can share their ideas and thoughts with the world.
There are many pros when it comes to blogging, some are starting a blog is easy. For example, there are many sites that are free and super easy to use to set up a blog. The most popular one is the one im using right now Another pro when it comes to blogging is that your blogs give people a reason to visit your website. A lot of people like to read blogs and when you have a blog attached to your website that is constantly updated, people will come to your website more often to read your blog. By writing blogs, it gives people a sense of community, people can express whatever they feel like and post it for others to react to or you can react to others blogs. You can also follow blogs that you have interests in and feel connected to those who write blogs because you have the same interests or views as them. Some people don't love the spotlight and by writing a blog you can put your name out there or you can be entirely annoymous and this allows people to feel more comfortable in expressing themselves because sometimes people dont know who you are so you can write freely. 

While there are a ton of pros, there are also cons when it comes to blogging. To have a good blog that people will follow you have to be constantly regulating your blog and keep doing regular updates. If you let your blog go for even a month or two people will end up forgetting about your blog and most likely not follow you anymore. Another big issue and probably the biggest issue that comes with blogging is that what you write can lead you into trouble. If you are too honest on one of your blogs you can offend people or say something you probably shouldnt have and that can lead you into trouble, so when it comes to blogging, you have to be careful in what you write. If your blog is reflecting your business, it shouldn't be haphazardly. Your blog needs to reflect your business in a professional manner and you need to be truthful about your business so that your customers want to come back and don't think that you are a phoney. 

Personally, I enjoy blogging, I feel like it is a good time that I can step away from my everyday life and write things that I am passionate about. If it wasn't for my Media Law and Literacy class, I wouldn't have started blogging and realized how much I do enjoy it. It gives me time to just sit at my computer and write what I am passionate about and allow me to write everything that I am thinking without getting judged by others. I also feel that blogging is very therapeutic for people because it allows them to express whatever they want. Putting the cons aside, I feel that there are a lot of pros to blogging and think that everyone should try it atleast once to experience the joy it is to be a blogger. 
