Will Fake News Ever Disappear?

Fake news has and always will be an issue, for every news article that is posted there is guaranteed to be a fake news article to follow. And now a day, it becomes so easy to alter articles and most people don't really read the entire article but just the headline. So, when altering the headline to read whatever you want it to say, fake news is bound to come about.

One company that has had an issue with fake news in the past and still continues to have issues is Facebook. In June-2017, Facebook made a big change as part of its fight against fake news and misinformation.  Although Facebook announced that the problem was solved, users were able to discover a loophole on how they could still post fake news articles. The person that found the loophole did end up contacting Facebook and telling them about the issue. But with no response for weeks, Facebook finally did respond, with an automatize message. The user then went onto saying about headlines and they could easily be altered. He said: “If I am posting something from Mashable from a Facebook Page about how important vaccines are,” explained the user, who requested anonymity for this piece, in a private Facebook message, “I could now change the headline to say 'New Report Finds Vaccines Are Bogus.'" 

By having Facebook saying they have fixed the problem and yet it never gets fixed it raises one question. Will fake news ever really disappear or will it be around for however long news is. Forever.
