Is Political Journalism Dead?

For the past several years, political journalists have had a lot to write about. Since President Donald Trump has come into office, the news has been busier than ever. This being that most Americans are not in favor with Trump's ideas where as some are totally for them. A lot of journalists feel that journalism has died, it's shifted from aspirational writing and has turned into hard driving facts and opinions. For years, journalists have wrote about Trump and his reign as Presidnent but have their words been any good? Has anyone really read and thought about what these journalists are writing? I say no.

When Trump came into office, people felt very uneasy. This man hadn't spent most of his entire life as a politican but rather a business man and while that is a good trait for being a president there are more factors that come into play than just being good in the business world. Over the years, Trump has been going to Twitter to do his announcements or has fought back at people over stupid topics. Now, the world is changing toward technology driven but is Twitter the best way to hear what your President has to say?

Not alone has he used Twitter to his advantage but he's used his hotels for government business as well, putting the Air Force up in hotels overseas and making it less expensive but is it wrong that he is doing these things? Some journalists think so and while journalist try and keep up with him and all his rash descions they just have found that over the years they cannot.

So that raises the political journalism dying? Or has it been dead for years and we cannot seem to let go.
