The Work of the U.S. Supreme Court

How many people now a days know about the Supreme Court? And I don't mean you know they are apart of the government and they make decisions regarding the United States. I mean KNOW about the Supreme Court.

For example, did you know that they recieve more than a hundred new cases every week, which is about 7,000 cases a year. The cases could be written by a high-priced legal counsel or written by some prisoner in theor jail cell. No matter who writes the cases that are sent to the Supreme Court they all get the same indvidual consideration from each Justice. To me that's pretty remarkable.

But not only do they just decide the outcome of the cases, they have to determine the legal questions to things. Questions range from: Did the lower court apply the law properly? Is the law constitutional? From these questions the justices are able to be to make the most moral and ethical descions that they believe are just.

Not only do they recieve cases, they also hear cases from the public as well. Lawyers will come in and have an oral meeting for 30 minutes in front of the Justices. From here the 9 Justices go in private and decide a vote, then one of the Justices on the majority side will write an opinion that will get sent to the other Justices, on average writing that opinion takes 4 weeks. The majority of a Justices work is writing opinions. The decisions that they vote on range from civil rights, criminal procedures, taxes, labor laws, and buisness. 

Ultimately, the power of the court is the power trust earned-the trust of the American people.

The Supreme Court Justices have so much work that they put into making America great. There work is hard and tiring put is crucial to making the public feel heard. There is a reason these Justices are picked and why they serve for so long. They take pride in their work and want to make the Amercian people feel like they have a say in their government.
