Do We Really Need Another App?

How many people wake up and the first thing they do is look at their phone? I'm guilty of it and I bet almost everyone today who has a phone is guilty of it too. But how many people have a routine when they go on their phone? Like me, I go on Instagram first, then Twitter and then Snapchat. Every morning, the same routine. But what if you could add another app to that routine or now even have just one app to go to every morning.

Facebook has announced that they are releasing a new app called "Threads." This new app is suppose to be a close companion to Instagram in that fact that its meant for your close friends where they can see your posts. You are going to be able to post photos and text along with other features. Facebook announced that this new app is meant to "merge the services of WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram, allowing users to send messages to one another without switching apps.

Do we really need another app? Maybe a better question is do we want another app? By combing all of our apps into one, there is no more need for switching between different apps. Everything we need and do would be one this one app, in theory it seems amazing. But, would people leave their original apps like Instagram and Twitter, all the content that they have been putting out for years and years just gone? Would people really leave the comfort of already knowing how to work these apps for a new fancy one? 

The idea of a new app that combines all of our apps into one seems like it should have been created years ago. But now that it is coming out, I guess we will see if people hop on board with "Thread" and make a new routine or continue their old routine. 

Will I have to make a new routine? Time will tell. 
